These Organizational Regulations are established for the medical entity DR ROTH spółka z ograniczoną odpowiedzialnością, established by the company DR ROTH spółka z ograniczoną odpowiedzialnością with its registered office in Warsaw at ul. Mikołaja Kopernika 15 lok.21, 00-359 Warsaw, entered into the register of entrepreneurs of the National Court Register maintained by the District Court for the capital city of Warsaw. Warsaw in Warsaw, XII Commercial Division of the National Court Register under KRS number 0001031652, REGON: 525076590, NIP: 5252952636, entered into the Register of Entities Performing Medical Activity kept by the Mazovian Voivode, book number 000000263708 (hereinafter referred to as the "Medical Entity").
The Medical Entity performs medical activity in a medical facility under the name: DR ROTH (hereinafter referred to as the "Medical Facility").
The Medical Entity operates on the basis of:
generally applicable legal provisions, including in particular:
the Act of 15 April 2011 on medical activity (consolidated text: Journal of Laws of 2018, item 2190, as amended - hereinafter referred to as the "Act on Patient Rights and the Patient Rights Ombudsman");
the Act of 6 November 2008 on patient rights and the Patient Rights Ombudsman (consolidated text: Journal of Laws of 2009, item 417, as amended - hereinafter referred to as the "Act on Patient Rights").
entry into the relevant Register of Entities Performing Medical Activity;
these Regulations.
The primary goal of the Medical Entity is to provide comprehensive and specialist health services in the field of plastic surgery and dermatology, as well as to promote health and promote health-promoting behaviors.
The goal of the Medical Entity is also to improve the appearance of clients through the use of various procedures and treatments that are aimed at revitalizing the skin, reducing wrinkles, improving body proportions and other activities aimed at emphasizing natural beauty.
The tasks of the Medical Entity include in particular providing health services in the field of outpatient specialist care, as well as:
performing the duties resulting from the status of a health care entity;
systematic improvement of professional knowledge and skills;
observance of professional ethics;
providing recognized treatment methods, consistent with current medical knowledge;
use of medical equipment, which is under constant technical supervision and meets all quality standards required by law;
providing medical services with particular consideration of the safety and needs of patients and respecting the rights of patients;
other tasks assigned by the Head of the Medical Entity.
The goals and tasks of the Medical Entity referred to in § 2 sec. 1-3 are implemented, among others, within the framework of:
performing diagnostic and laboratory tests performed to identify the state of health;
analysis of individual patient and client needs and adaptation of therapy to specific cases;
monitoring the patient's health;
providing medical advice and consultations;
monitoring the patient's compliance with recommendations;
monitoring progress and adapting therapy to ensure optimal aesthetic and health results;
education on healthy lifestyle, ageing prevention and skin and beauty care options in order to maintain the effects achieved through aesthetic medicine.
The Medical Entity conducts medical activity in the form of outpatient health services.
As part of its business, the Medical Entity provides health services in the scope of: specialist outpatient treatment (HC.1.3.3), other outpatient care (HC.1.3.9) and ultrasound diagnostic tests (HC.4.2.1).
The Medical Facility operates the organizational unit DR ROTH located in Warsaw at ul. Mikołaja Kopernika 15 lok. 21, which consists of the following organizational units:
Aesthetic medicine clinic;
Plastic surgery clinic;
Ultrasound laboratory;
Dermatology clinic.
The tasks of the organizational units include providing comprehensive care for patients by providing health services in the field of outpatient specialist care, and in particular providing medical advice and consultations, as well as directing and conducting diagnostic tests.
All organizational units and the persons employed in them cooperate with each other in order to ensure the efficient and effective functioning of the Medical Entity in terms of diagnostics, treatment and administration and economy.
The organizational units of the Medical Facility cooperate with each other in order to provide comprehensive patient care. The detailed rules of cooperation are determined by the manager of the Medical Facility. All rooms of the Medical Facility meet the requirements
om appropriate to the type of medical activity performed and the scope of health services provided.
The activities of the Medical Entity are managed by the management board of DR ROTH sp. z o.o. with its registered office in Warsaw, which is the manager of the Medical Entity within the meaning of the provisions of the act on healthcare (hereinafter referred to as the "Manager").
The Manager represents the Medical Entity externally and makes decisions regarding its functioning.
The Manager exercises all rights and obligations imposed on the Medical Entity by generally applicable provisions of law.
The Manager may appoint managers of individual organizational units and the Director of the Medical Facility.
The Manager makes decisions related to the current activities of the Medical Entity, in particular regarding:
management of the personnel of the Medical Entity, including determining the duties, competences and rights of individual persons;
approval of procedures, instructions and other internal normative acts, with the exception of the Regulations;
managing the work of the subordinate part (or the whole) of the Medical Facility;
distributing tasks (including permanent tasks) and resources for their execution, taking into account their rank, priority, professional qualifications and the current workload of direct contractors;
supervision over the efficiency and effectiveness of work organization;
official supervision over the performance of individual tasks by subordinate employees;
providing explanations and professional advice to subordinate employees;
supervision over the working conditions of employees, with particular emphasis on the regulations concerning safe occupational health and fire safety;
observance and supervision of compliance by subordinate employees with legal regulations, internal normative acts and applicable ethical standards;
conducting systematic employee assessments;
examining job candidates;
requesting to reward or punish subordinate employees;
putting forward proposals for improving work. The following job positions are available in the Medical Facility:
Receptionist/Patient Caregiver
The basic duties within the scope of the positions referred to in: § 5 point 6.1 include:
providing health services in accordance with due diligence and current medical knowledge;
determining and giving opinions on the patient's health condition;
educating patients;
monitoring the health condition of patients;
issuing opinions and certificates, issuing prescriptions, referring patients for additional specialist consultations by issuing a referral;
keeping medical records;
supervising the patient care process to the appropriate extent, including supervising the patient's compliance with recommendations.
§ 5 point 6.2.1 includes:
performing cosmetic treatments, indicated in the price list of the Medical Entity located in Annex No. 1 to the Regulations;
assessing the condition of patients' skin and selecting appropriate products and treatments, taking into account the individual needs of the client; providing cosmetic advice;
close cooperation with a doctor in the event of the need to provide assistance in the field of aesthetic medicine;
education of patients/clients.
§ 5 point 6.2.2 includes:
organizing the current work of the Reception Desk;
organizing and supervising the proper service of patients and clients at the Reception Desk, in particular answering telephones, booking appointments, providing information on the scope and principles of providing health services;
ensuring safe and hygienic working conditions;
ensuring the proper use and technical condition of the equipment located in the Medical Entity;
ensuring the correct and timely settlement of services provided, charging fees;
performing other assigned tasks by authorized persons.
The Medical Entity provides health services and cosmetic treatments in the Medical Facility located at the following address: ul. Mikołaja Kopernika 15 lok. 21, 00-359 Warsaw.
Health services and cosmetic treatments are provided during the days and hours of operation of the Medical Facility or its individual organizational units.
In order to ensure the safety of patients and employees of the Medical Facility and to protect property, monitoring is carried out in the Medical Facility, in publicly accessible rooms, using devices that enable image recording. Image recordings obtained as a result of monitoring are used only for the purposes for which they were collected, and are stored for a period of no longer than 3 (three) months from the date of recording. After this period, image recordings containing personal data obtained as a result of monitoring are subject to destruction, unless their retention is required by law.
The Medical Facility provides health services and cosmetic treatments (hereinafter referred to as: "
Services") to the extent specified in these Regulations, ensuring proper availability and quality of Services in the organizational unit and all organizational units indicated in § 4 sec. 1, in a manner that guarantees patients the most convenient form of using the Services.
The Medical Entity provides Services:
for a fee in accordance with the current price list for the Provision of services indicated on the website: https://www.drmartaroth.com/
free of charge in the case of Services provided to a person in need of immediate assistance due to a threat to health or life, when it is indicated that the patient had no other possibility of obtaining assistance.
The Services are provided on set dates, after making a reservation.
Patients are registered for individual Services in the Medical Entity on-site at the Medical Entity's facility, by phone, e-mail or using the contact form on the website www.drmartaroth.com. The appointment is temporary and constitutes only a PRELIMINARY BOOKING of the date of the Service at the Entity. The booking is made when the patient pays a deposit of PLN 200, which means that without a prior payment of the deposit, the Medical Entity is not obliged to perform the Service covered by the booking. The booking is considered to be made when the deposit amount is posted on time to the bank account of DR ROTH SP. Z O.O. The preliminary booking then becomes a CONFIRMED Booking.
Patients are asked to pay the deposit before the visit, within 24 hours of making the preliminary booking, via the payment link received to the telephone number or e-mail address provided by them or immediately after arranging the appointment at the Medical Entity in cash or by payment card.
Failure by the Patient to pay the deposit in accordance with these Regulations is tantamount to the withdrawal by DR ROTH SP. Z O.O. from the agreement concluded with the patient for reasons attributable to the patient and withholding the deposit.
Payment of the deposit means acceptance of the conditions specified in these Regulations by the person making the reservation.
Services are provided on the date agreed with the patient on the days and hours of operation of the Medical Facility.
The provision of Services requiring the patient's personal presence is possible only after the patient has reported immediately before the provision of the health service for which the patient has been registered, at the reception desk of the Medical Facility after presenting an identity card with the patient's photograph.
Services are provided in a manner that ensures compliance with the legal requirements appropriate for individual Services, with due diligence and up-to-date medical knowledge by persons performing the medical profession and with respect for the patient's rights.
The patient who has made a reservation is obliged to arrive for the visit on time. If the patient's delay does not exceed 15 minutes, the delay time is deducted from the time planned for the procedure. In the event of a delay exceeding 15 minutes, the Medical Entity may refuse to provide the Service by withdrawing from the agreement for reasons attributable to the patient and retaining the deposit or, at the option of the Medical Entity, setting a new appointment date and retaining the deposit on account of the same.
Regardless of other cases described in the Regulations, the Medical Entity may refuse to provide the Service if:
The Patient has refused to consent to the provision of the Service according to the template applicable at the Medical Entity;
The Patient is not eligible for the Service, which will be determined by a doctor or cosmetologist;
The Patient does not consent to signing the required consents;
The Patient is in a condition that makes it impossible to provide the Service, e.g. is under the influence of alcohol or drugs or due to a grossly poor state of hygiene (does not apply to situations of direct threat to the Patient's life or health);
The Patient has not followed the doctor's recommendations, e.g. has not performed or has not presented for review appropriate diagnostic tests or additional consultations within the specified time; The Medical Entity is not able to verify the patient's identity based on the patient's identity document;
there was a power outage, water failure, etc. on the premises of the Medical Entity and in the building of the Medical Entity.
it is not possible to provide the service for other reasons, including sanitary and epidemiological reasons, including the need to ensure appropriate safety for the staff of the Medical Entity and other patients.
the Patient did not follow the recommendations of the staff of the Medical Entity regarding the need to prepare in a specific way for the visit, including in particular performing the necessary tests.
the Patient did not pay for the visit/Service in a manner consistent with the provisions of these Regulations.
the need to refuse to provide the Service by the Medical Entity, for
Services") to the extent specified in these Regulations, ensuring proper availability and quality of Services in the organizational unit and all organizational units indicated in § 4 sec. 1, in a manner that guarantees patients the most convenient form of using the Services.
The Medical Entity provides Services:
for a fee in accordance with the current price list for the Provision of services indicated on the website: https://www.drmartaroth.com/
free of charge in the case of Services provided to a person in need of immediate assistance due to a threat to health or life, when it is indicated that the patient had no other possibility of obtaining assistance.
The Services are provided on set dates, after making a reservation.
Patients are registered for individual Services in the Medical Entity on-site at the Medical Entity's facility, by phone, e-mail or using the contact form on the website www.drmartaroth.com. The appointment is temporary and constitutes only a PRELIMINARY BOOKING of the date of the Service at the Entity. The booking is made when the patient pays a deposit of PLN 200, which means that without a prior payment of the deposit, the Medical Entity is not obliged to perform the Service covered by the booking. The booking is considered to be made when the deposit amount is posted on time to the bank account of DR ROTH SP. Z O.O. The preliminary booking then becomes a CONFIRMED Booking.
Patients are asked to pay the deposit before the visit, within 24 hours of making the preliminary booking, via the payment link received to the telephone number or e-mail address provided by them or immediately after arranging the appointment at the Medical Entity in cash or by payment card.
Failure by the Patient to pay the deposit in accordance with these Regulations is tantamount to the withdrawal by DR ROTH SP. Z O.O. from the agreement concluded with the patient for reasons attributable to the patient and withholding the deposit.
Payment of the deposit means acceptance of the conditions specified in these Regulations by the person making the reservation.
Services are provided on the date agreed with the patient on the days and hours of operation of the Medical Facility.
The provision of Services requiring the patient's personal presence is possible only after the patient has reported immediately before the provision of the health service for which the patient has been registered, at the reception desk of the Medical Facility after presenting an identity card with the patient's photograph.
Services are provided in a manner that ensures compliance with the legal requirements appropriate for individual Services, with due diligence and up-to-date medical knowledge by persons performing the medical profession and with respect for the patient's rights.
The patient who has made a reservation is obliged to arrive for the visit on time. If the patient's delay does not exceed 15 minutes, the delay time is deducted from the time planned for the procedure. In the event of a delay exceeding 15 minutes, the Medical Entity may refuse to provide the Service by withdrawing from the agreement for reasons attributable to the patient and retaining the deposit or, at the option of the Medical Entity, setting a new appointment date and retaining the deposit on account of the same.
Regardless of other cases described in the Regulations, the Medical Entity may refuse to provide the Service if:
The Patient has refused to consent to the provision of the Service according to the template applicable at the Medical Entity;
The Patient is not eligible for the Service, which will be determined by a doctor or cosmetologist;
The Patient does not consent to signing the required consents;
The Patient is in a condition that makes it impossible to provide the Service, e.g. is under the influence of alcohol or drugs or due to a grossly poor state of hygiene (does not apply to situations of direct threat to the Patient's life or health);
The Patient has not followed the doctor's recommendations, e.g. has not performed or has not presented for review appropriate diagnostic tests or additional consultations within the specified time; The Medical Entity is not able to verify the patient's identity based on the patient's identity document;
there was a power outage, water failure, etc. on the premises of the Medical Entity and in the building of the Medical Entity.
it is not possible to provide the service for other reasons, including sanitary and epidemiological reasons, including the need to ensure appropriate safety for the staff of the Medical Entity and other patients.
the Patient did not follow the recommendations of the staff of the Medical Entity regarding the need to prepare in a specific way for the visit, including in particular performing the necessary tests.
the Patient did not pay for the visit/Service in a manner consistent with the provisions of these Regulations.
the need to refuse to provide the Service by the Medical Entity, for